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ინფორმაცია მიმდინარე და განხორციელებული პროექტების შესახებ

Counter-disinformation Intervention: Value/Identity Issues and Anti-Western Propaganda

Project: The main goal of the project is to strengthen the recognition and perception of the European identity in Georgian society and to support the country's efforts to join the European Union. By embedding European values ​​into the Georgian national identity, the project aims to promote the development of a common vision towards European integration. The project was created in response to a significant challenge (disinformation campaigns) that used the distortion of Georgian national identity to undermine the nation's democratic values ​​and its path to Western integration.


Donor: Zinc Network


Budget: 129,987.00 GEL


Period: 13/05/2024 – 31/12/2024

Fostering Inclusivity: Enhancing Understanding of the European Union among Ethnic and Religious Minorities

Project: The project addresses a significant challenge in Georgia's path towards (EU) integration, underlining the crucial necessity of uniting the entire population around a shared national issue, thus fortifying comprehension of the fundamental principles of the state. A notable challenge lies in the absence of comprehensive surveys targeting ethnic and religious minorities to ascertain their perspectives on EU integration. No prior efforts have been made to inquire about their reasons for opposition or lack of support, nor have their conflicting values have been adequately explored.


Donor: United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG)


Budget: $67,088


Period: 01/05/2024 – 31/12/2024

Increasing the visibility of the organization's activities and its capabilities through the improvement of media platforms

Project: The goal of the project is to increase the effectiveness and inclusiveness of the organization's activities by improving the existing resources. Along with the growth of the organization, the number of projects implemented by us and, accordingly, the number of people who are involved in these projects in various ways (both directly implementers and beneficiaries) also increases.


Donor: Civil Society Institute


Budget: 9,440.00 Euro


Period: 09/02/2024 – 09/06/2024

12 steps to a fair trial

Project: The goal of the project is to promote fundamental reforms of the judicial system through public discussion on ways to solve problems in the system. The joint document prepared by the Democracy Defenders  (DemDef) and the Georgia Democracy Initiative (GDI) within the framework of the project concerns the reform of the Supreme Council of Judges, the election of court chairpersons, the specialization of judges, disciplinary proceedings, distribution of cases, the jury trial, the reform of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the revision of cases. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to organize public discussions with law school students, academic circles and media representatives. The project will contribute to the development of a unified vision of the reform of the judicial system in Georgia.


Donor: East-west Management Institute (EWMI)


Budget: $24,045.07


Period: 15/06/2023 – 15/12/2023

Inclusive Civil Society Campaign to Support Georgia's Euro-Atlantic Integration

Project: The goal of the project is to support formal and informal civil society groups in implementing an inclusive, consolidated, coordinated information campaign in support of Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration. The proposed project is important in the context of the future decision of the European Union for Georgia's EU membership candidate status.


Donor: United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG)


Budget: $95,300.00


Period: 01/07/2023 – 30/11/2023

No to Russian Law

Project: The project aims to inform society regarding “Russian Law”, and also the preparation and distribution of informational materials to support the campaign – “No to Russian Law”. Among other materials project covers the preparation of informative cards based on statements made by our western partners.


Donor: Open Society Foundation - Georgia (OSGF)


Budget: $3,000.00


Period: 09/03/2023 – 09/05/2023

Weakening the Human Resources, Infrastructure, and Influence of the pro-Russian Forces Through Civic Activism

Project: The project aimed to weaken the human resources, infrastructure, and influence of the pro-Russian forces through civil activism. For this purpose, various activities were planned and then incorporated by civil activists across Georgia. Among them were public meetings and discussions, also awareness raising campaigns in social networks.


Donor: East-west Management Institute (EWMI)


Budget: $23,785.70


Period: 01/09/2022 – 31/03/2023

Strengthening Civic Activists

Project: The project aimed to strengthen people interested in civil activism. During the project, participants attended training and workshops in the following themes: planning civil protest movements’ campaigns, public speaking, value-based debates, and media communication. Youth, who already had a basic understanding of civil movements, gained additional theoretical and practical knowledge.


Donor: Open Society Foundation - Georgia (OSGF)


Budget: $5,970.00


Period: 21/04/2022 – 21/07/2022

From Georgian People

Project: The project aimed to mobilize humanitarian aid and deliver it to Ukrainians living here in Georgia as well as in Ukraine after Russia’s intervention. For this reason, a special place was constructed in our office, where volunteers gathered all the medicine and other products brought by people, then they sorted all these things and delivered them according to the needs.


Donor: Open Society Foundation - Georgia (OSGF)


Budget: $6,950.00


Period: 07/03/2022 – 07/06/2022

გახდი დემოკრატიის მცველი

თუ გსურს შემოგვიერთდე, სადაც არ უნდა ცხოვრობდე და რასაც არ უნდა საქმიანობდე, შეავსე მოცემული ფორმა და ჩვენ დაგიკავშირდებით. დემოკრატიის დაცვა პატარა ქუჩებიდან იწყება.

by Democracy Defenders

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